Building the Future of Patient Rooms


Extending the Digital Patient Experience to the Bedside
November 9, 2023 | 9AM – 12PM MT

Building the Future of Patient Rooms


Extending the Digital Patient Experience to the Bedside
November 9, 2023 | 9AM – 12PM MT

Hospitals that incorporate smart technology have the power to transform their operations, staff efficiency, and patient experience. One of the first steps in bringing a smart hospital to life, is to focus on the technologies used in patient rooms. With the rise in advances in video, AI, audio, wearables, tablet devices, and more, the patient’s door is now open to promote a truly connected clinical ecosystem that involves the patient in their care journey more than ever. Transforming patient rooms into “smart rooms” enable real-time data collection via digital technologies that are fully automated, integrated, and streamlined.

In this online event, we are teaming up with other future-thinking technology providers who share our vision of creating a better care experience for patients, staff, and providers through connected, patient-centric technology. We’ll provide insight that will help your healthcare organization establish the foundation for an effective smart patient room.


The Smart Room Technology Playbook: Save nurses time and improve the patient experience

Tech-enabled care environments are reducing clinician burden and returning autonomy to patients throughout their care journey. Go inside the digital patient room of the future with eVideon, developer of the industry-leading Vibe Health smart room platform, to hear how leaders in nursing, patient experience, and innovation are modernizing the care experience for patients, families, and care teams. Explore the key components of Vibe Health’s digital whiteboard, digital door sign, interactive TV, and bedside tablet solutions, plus learn about the integrations that are streamlining clinical workflow, improving communication, and ensuring the delivery of safe, high-quality healthcare to all.

Optimizing Efficiency at the Point of Care

Samsung operates one of the most advanced medical centers in the world, located in South Korea – and applies that expertise in developing digital healthcare solutions that drive staff productivity and improve patient experience through Digital Care delivery models, Optimizing the efficiency at the Point of Care & via Decentralized Clinical Trials. The Samsung Digital Portfolio empower providers with innovative smart technologies, through a connected ecosystem of secure mobile devices and signage, that are easy to manage and transition seamlessly across clinical workflows. Enhance patient care, streamline critical communications, and raise the visibility of your brand with Samsung advanced, digital solutions for healthcare.

Empowering Informed Post-Acute Care Decisions: Strata Health’s Bedside Solutions

Are you tired of the delays, frustrations, and compliance risks associated with post-acute care decisions? Patients often lack visibility into the full spectrum of available facilities and providers, while case managers struggle to effectively present options and document choices. Join Strata Health as we present our patient-centric technology solutions designed to transform discharge planning and transitions of care. Discover how our bedside solutions grant patients immediate access to tailored care options, offering an engaging, personalized exploration of post-acute care choices. We’ll cover the significance of this innovation and reveal the numerous advantages it brings to hospitals, case managers, and, most importantly, patients.

Digital Forms: The Powerhouse of Smart Hospital Rooms

Digital forms play a pivotal role in the smart hospital room ecosystem. They serve as the bridge between healthcare professionals, patients, and administrative staff. Digital form processes can bring bringing several benefits, including efficiency, accuracy, improved patient engagement, and accessibility.

The Smart Hospital Room represents a significant leap forward in healthcare innovation, and digital forms are an essential asset to ensure seamless data flow. By digitizing patient information, healthcare providers can ensure that data is consistently accurate, up-to-date, and in the hands of the right staff. This leads to improved decision-making and patient safety; and less time spent on paperwork and more on patient care.

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About Interlace Health

We deliver the most scalable and cost-effective forms automation and eSignature solutions for healthcare.

For 30 years, we’ve pioneered eForm technology that helps healthcare organizations focus on people not paperwork. As interactions among patients, staff, and providers are elevated, organizations experience improved compliance, operational efficiency, and achieve better care outcomes.

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